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Name an animal that migrates
Name an animal that hibernates
What are two examples of behavioral adaptations?
Hibernation and migration
What are two examples of physical adaptations?
Mimicry and Camouflage
How do plant and animal adaptations help them?
Help them survive from predators, weather, habitats, ect.
True or False: Hibernation is a physical adaptation?
True or False: Mimicry is a physical adaptation?
What does the word behavior mean?
The way an animal ACTS
What does the word hibernate mean?
To rest through the winter to save energy.
Give an example of an animal that uses camouflage to survive.
What does the word migrate mean?
To travel from one location to another in order to survive.
What does the word mimicry mean?
Copying the way another animal looks or acts to survive.
What are the two types of animal adaptations?
Physical and Behavioral