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Future Perfect

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They (celebrate) their tenth anniversary by the end of the year.
will have celebrated
By next month, she (complete) her research project.
will have completed
By the end of the month, she (intend / write) the entire novel.
intends to have written
By tomorrow morning, the thief (not steal) the valuable artwork, thanks to enhanced security measures.
will not have stolen
The skilled artisan (weave) a beautiful tapestry by next week.
will have woven
By the end of the course, the students (expect / understand) the complexities of the subject.
expect to have understood
If you keep exercising regularly, your clothes (shrink) by the summer.
will have shrunk
By midnight, the church bells (ring) in the New Year.
will have rung
She (plan / lay) the foundation for the project by the time you join.
plans to have laid
By winter, the lake (freeze) over completely.
will have frozen
The new law (expect / forbid) such activities by the end of the month.
expects to have forbidden
The farmers (breed) a new variety of crops by next year.
will have bred
By the time we arrive, they (hope / deal) with the situation.
hope to have dealt
She (expect / complete) the repairs before the end of the week
expects to have completed
I (hope / eaten) by the time the movie ends.
hope to have eaten
I (plan / propose) to her by the end of the month.
plan to have proposed
I (intend / not mistake) by the time the exam start.
intend not to have mistaken
(they / accomplish) their journey by nightfall?
Will they have accomplished
(you / accomplish) your assignment before the class starts?
Will you have accomplished
(they / complete) the project by the deadline?
Will they have completed
We (complete) the construction of the new building by the time the mayor arrives.
will have completed
I'm sure that by tomorrow, she (finish) the report.
will have finished
By the end of the month, he (work) in this company for ten years.
will have worked
By the time you return, I (not cook) dinner.
will not have cooked
She said that by next year, (publish) her novel.
will have published
I'm worried that (not complete) their project by the deadline.
will not have completed
By the time Sarah arrives, (finish) the preparations for the party.
will have finished