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Would You Say it To a Friend?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Everyone makes mistakes sometimes! What am I missing?
I deserve to succeed! My hard work will pay off.
Sometimes it takes a while to figure out something new. I believe in myself!
It's okay to make mistakes - everyone will forget about it eventually.
I want me and you to have happiness!
I have amazing qualities that make me unique.
I like me just the way I am.
It's okay to make mistakes! We all do it sometimes.
If I keep trying, I'll get it!
We are all important members of the team!
Everyone misses a shot sometimes. It's no big deal.
I can't believe I made another mistake! I'm so bad at this!
Not okay!
I'm not worthy of success.
Not okay!
Just stop trying. You'll never get this.
Not okay!
Everyone will remember my mistakes forever.
Not okay!
I don't deserve to be happy!
Not okay!
I'm so awkward. I'm never going to make friends.
Not okay!
No one is ever going to like me.
Not okay!
I'm a failure!
Not okay!
I'll never be good at math!
Not okay!
You're the worst player on the team!
Not okay!
You ruined the game for everyone!
Not okay!