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COS 3 MP2 QA Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is most likely the greatest challenge to a beauty and wellness professional?
The diverse personailities of your clients
What is an essential benchmark that, once achieved, helps you realize your mission and your vision?
What is the saying in marketing today?
"If you're not on the internet, then you don't exist."
A well groomed beauty professional advertises a _________________________________.
commitment to their industry.
What is the 7/11 rule?
Within 7 seconds, someone will establish 11 impressions of you.
What is considered to be the modern version of the word of mouth?
Viral marketing
Which rule should the beauty and wellness professional keep in mind when it comes to his or her professional image?
The 7/11 rule
What should fashion be for the beauty professional?
A creative outlet.
What is the best vehicle for others to promote you and your business via viral marketing?
Social Media
If you asked ten different people to define professionalism, you would likely get _____________
Ten different answers.
Your professional image is defined as _____________________________.
The impression you project through your appearance and conduct in the workplace.
At your employee evaluation, you should NOT ___________________________.
approach your manager cautiously and shyly.
What will your client most likely expect of you?
To look good and to be well-groomed.
As a professional in the beauty and wellness industry, you should consider yourself to be defined by your ______, _______, and __________..
your talent, knowledge, and professional reputation
What will you want to base your business location on?
Your primary clientele and their needs.