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School in the US

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the final year of high school called?
senior year
What is the 3rd year of high school called?
junior year
What is the 2nd year of high school called?
sophomore year
What is the 1st year of high school called?
freshman year
What are 2 things that happen for Homecoming in high school?
a parade, a spirit week, an assembly, a school dance, a football game
What is spirit week?
a week where each day has a theme to dress up for, and on the last day, there is a fun assembly with the whole school
What is the age range for high school students in the U.S.?
between 14 and 18 years old
Which two school teams was I on during high school?
volleyball and cheerleading
What is the formal dance in high school called?
Where do many students spend their Friday nights?
at the school football games
What color are school buses?
About how long does the lunch period last at school?
20 minutes
Which grade can be either in elementary school or middle school?
5th grade
Which school starts later in the morning?
elementary school
Where do students eat lunch?
In the cafeteria or multi-purpose room at school
What is the first year of elementary school called?