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3rd conditional + reported speech

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nie zdążyłem zrobić zakupów przed zamknięciem sklepu.
I didn't manage to do the shopping before the store closed.
Czy już kiedyś próbowałeś sushi?
Have you ever tried sushi?
Ona obiecała, że przyjdzie na kolację.
She promised to come to dinner.
Zawsze lubiłem podróże pociągiem.
I have always enjoyed traveling by train.
If I __________ (to be) you, I would have apologized.
I __________ (to be) surprised if he didn't like the gift.
would be
She __________ (to tell) me that she was going to be late.
If they __________ (to invite) us, we would have joined the party.
had invited
He asked me where I __________ (to spend) my last vacation.
had spent
If I __________ (to know) about the traffic, I would have taken a different route.
had known
She __________ (to travel) to Europe if she had more vacation time.
would travel
I __________ (to finish) my homework before I went to bed.
He is unlikely to attend the meeting > It is __________ that he will attend the meeting.
It is unlikely that he will attend the meeting.
It is essential for you to submit the report by Friday > You __________ submit the report by Friday.
You must submit the report by Friday.
I regret not taking the job offer > I wish __________ the job offer.
I wish I had taken the job offer.
She is not accustomed to waking up early > (USE) Waking up early is something she __________.
Waking up early is something she is not used to.
Let's go to the movies tonight, they suggested > They suggested that __________ to the movies that night.
They suggested that they go to the movies that night.
I have already read that book, she told him > She told him that she __________ that book already.
She told him that she had already read that book.
I can swim, he claimed > He claimed that he __________.
He claimed that he could swim.
Don't forget to call me, he reminded her > He reminded her __________ to call him.
He reminded her to not forget to call him.
I am working on a new project, she mentioned > She mentioned that she __________ on a new project.
She mentioned that she was working on a new project.
We won't be late, they promised > They promised that they __________ late.
They promised that they wouldn't be late.
I have never been to Paris, he admitted > He admitted that he __________ to Paris.
He admitted that he had never been to Paris.
She said, "I will come to the party" > She said that she __________ to the party.
She said that she would come to the party.
If they __________ (to arrive) on time, we could have started the meeting.
If they had arrived on time, we could have started the meeting.
We would have gone to the beach if the weather __________ (to be) better.
We would have gone to the beach if the weather had been better.
If you __________ (to ask) me, I would have given you the answer.
If you had asked me, I would have given you the answer.
If he __________ (to speak) Spanish, he could communicate with his colleagues.
If he spoke Spanish, he could communicate with his colleagues.
If it __________ (to rain) tomorrow, we will stay indoors.
If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors.
What would you do if you __________ (to meet) a famous celebrity?
What would you do if you met a famous celebrity?
I would buy a new car if I __________ (to win) the lottery.
I would buy a new car if I won the lottery.
If she __________ (to study) harder, she would have passed the exam.
If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.