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New Year (passive voice)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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New Year's resolutions ___ (break, often) within the first few weeks.(present)
are often broken
A spectacular fireworks show ____ (witness) by the entire city. (past simple)
was witnessed
Invitations to the New Year's party ____ (send) out to all our friends. (present perfect)
have been sent
The festive decorations ____ (put up) throughout the neighborhood. (past simple)
were put up
A special menu ____ (prepare) for the New Year's Eve dinner. (pr. perfect)
has been prepared
A sense of renewal ___ (feel) by many as the New Year begins.(present)
is felt
Exciting events ___ (plan) for the New Year's celebration. (pr. cont.)
are being planned
A new tradition____ (establish) by the community for New Year's Day. (pr. perfect)
has been established
Greetings and good wishes ____ (exchange) by everyone in the room. (past simple)
were exchanged
The countdown to midnight ____ (anticipate) by the crowd. (past simple)
was anticipated
The New Year's Day parade ___ (attend) by thousands of spectators. (future)
will be attended
A toast ____ (raise) to welcome the New Year at midnight. (past simple)
was raised
Resolutions ______ (make) by many people for the upcoming year. (present perfect)
Fireworks ____ (display) to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. (past simple)
were displayed
The New Year's Eve party _____ (organize) by my friends. (past simple)
was organized