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to cut off or to grab hold of
to intercept
a bold or daring feat
an exploit
another word for cast-down or discouraged
when something is regional it means.....
it is local
another word for low self-esteem or low confidence
low morale
a strong and hardy person is......
a complete failure
an incident
an event/ a happening
an alteracation
a quarrel or a fight
the opposite of wealth
a notable, memorable, or heroic act
a berth
a place to sit or sleep especially on a ship or vehicle
a memoir
an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography.
to ransack
to go through a place, stealing things and causing damage
a modest character
unassuming or humble/ opposite of big-headed
the baby animals of a mum/ or human babies of a mum
to vow to do something
to make a solemn promise
to conceal
to hide
to replenish
to fill up again
He is a committed and loyal servant. Another word for 'committed' and 'loyal'.
It was impossible to '________ ' the damage that Sharky had caused. (undo)
It was a very calm day. Another word for 'calm'.
A synonym for 'wild' or 'savage' or aggressive'.
Dalmation is a certain '_________' of a dog.
Another word for accompanied: The guards accompanied Anastasia and Sharky out of the shop.
Another word for 'premises'.
property or place
Another word for 'to run riot'.
to rampage
A synonym for 'to bellow'.
to shout
Anastasia tried to (stop) Sharky from running around the store.
She tried to restrain him.
Give another word for 'swoon'.
to faint