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Module 3 Science

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can mountains have snow on them even in the summer time?
The higher altitude you go the colder it is
The climate closest to the equator is called?
What makes a desert, a desert?
the amount of rainfall it gets in a year
Which day on earth has exactly 12 days of sunlight and 12 days of darkness?
autumnal equinox (September 22)
Why is climate connected to each season.
It depends on the position of the earth and where it is in relation to the sun.
How do trees and forests help our climate?
They add water vapor to the air
What are things humans do to affect global climate?
adding chemicals (pollution) into the air- from cars, buildings, and man made chemicals
Why is our atmosphere so important?
It protects us from radiation from the sun
Sunlight scatters which color the best in our atmosphere?
Which types of gasses are found in our atmosphere?
Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Water Vapor
Which clouds tell us a lot about a change in weather?
Which tool only measures wind speed?
Which tool measures the weather patterns in our atmosphere?
Which tools measures the direction wind is blowing and the speed it is blowing at?
dopple radar
Which cloud does fog come from?
Which type of cloud is this? (looks like cotton balls)
Name 2 examples of severe weather
blizzards, strong thunderstorms, hail storms, tornadoes
When we talk about a long term weather pattern, we are describing the what?
Describe 3 different types of weather we can observe.
sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, stormy, cloudy
What is the word we use to describe what is happening in the atmosphere at any time or place?
What are the water bead droplets on the outside of a window after a storm or on a cold glass on a hot day?
What does it mean if the air is fully saturated?
It is holding as much water in the air as possible
Which part of the water cycle takes water from plants and releases it in the air?
Which part of the rain cycle makes it seem like water disappears from the Earth?
Humidity measures the amount of what in the air?
water vapor
Which is the last layer of the atmosphere. (Furthest from Earth) It is not labeled on the picture
Meteors usually burn up in this part of the atmosphere
The Ozone Layer is found in which layer of the atmosphere?
This tool measures heat. What is it called?