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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you are thirsty, which cup should you use? why?
The green one because it holds more water.
Which container holds less water?
The red container holds less water.
Which container holds more water?
The blue bucket holds more water. 
The tree is ________ than the person. 
The tree is taller/bigger than the person. 
Which crayon is longer?
Yellow crayon is longer than the orange crayon. 
What is bigger/taller than the squirrel?
The tree and the dinosaur (triceratops) are bigger than the squirrel.
The green apple is the __________. 
The green apple is the smallest/shortest. 
What is taller? The person or the building?
The building is taller than the person.
What is the tallest thing in the picture?
The CN tower is the tallest.
Which pumpkin is the smallest?
The green pumpkin is the smallest.
Which one is shorter? The tree or the snake?
The snake is shorter. 
The mouse is the ____________.
The mouse is the shortest.
Which one is the tallest?
Giraffe is the tallest.
Which pencil is longer? Red or blue pencil?
The red pencil is longer.
If the black pencil is the shortest, then the red pencil is the __________?
The red pencil is the tallest.
If giraffe is the tallest... then the rabbit is the________?
The rabbit is the shortest.