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Life Science End of Unit Review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the following is an abiotic (nonliving) factor in an ecosystem?
What kind of rocks do you usually find fossils in?
What is the main purpose of comparing fossils to present day organisms?
To identify similarities & differences between the organisms
To determine the age of the fossils
To understand how fossils form
To find out where fossils were discovered
How can scientists compare fossils to present-day organisms?
By studying the size and shape of the fossil and comparin
By using a time machine
By ignoring any differences and focusing on similarities
By asking fossils questions
What are fossils?
The remains of ancient living things
Microscopic organisms
Living organisms
Fossils are not real
What is the primary source of energy for most living organisms on earth?
What is one way organisms can adapt to changes in their environment?
By evolving over time or changing their behaviors
By staying in the same place and not moving
By ignoring the changes and hoping they go away
By depending solely on humans for help
Which of the following is an example of a beneficial change in an organism's environment?
A new source of shelter and protection
A predator moving into the area
A decrease in the availability of food
An increase in pollution levels
Which of the following is a way that humans can help protect the environment?
Recycling and reducing waste
Cutting down forests
Dumping chemicals into rivers
Cutting down forests
What do we call a group of organisms that live in the same area and interact with each other and its environment.
Rock formation
Weather patterns