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Eating Habits

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 fruits you like to eat. "I like to eat..."
Do you like eating out or at home? Why? "I like eating out/at home because..."
What is a food you will NEVER eat? Why? "I will never eat... because..."
What do you usually have for dinner? "I usually have... for dinner."
What do you usually have for lunch? "I usually have... for lunch."
What do you usually have for breakfast? "I usually have... for breakfast."
They are fighting over an _____ (fruit). ______ (fruit(s)) are ____ (good/bad) for you.
They are fighting over an APPLE. APPLES are GOOD for you.
This is ____ ____ (type of food). We should eat ____ (more/less) of it. What is your favourite junk food?
This is JUNK FOOD. We should eat LESS of it.
These are ___ ____ (type of food). We should eat ____ (more/less) of it.
These are HOT DOGS. We should eat LESS of it.
We should eat ____ (more/less) healthy food. Name 3 healthy foods.
We should eat MORE healthy food.
Too much candy is ___ (good/bad) for you. What is your favourite candy?
Too much candy is BAD for you.
We should eat ____ (more/less) doughnuts. Do you like doughnuts?
We should eat LESS doughnuts.
This is _________ (vegetable). ________ (vegetable) is ____ (good/bad) for you.
This is BROCCOLI. BROCCOLI is GOOD for you.
This is _________ (food). We should eat ____ (more/less) of it.
This is CHOCOLATE. We should eat LESS of it.
There are ______ _____ (food). We should eat ____ (more/less) of it.
These are FRENCH FRIES. We should eat LESS of it.