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Find the mode : 85, 90, 80, 87, 97, 81, 75, 91, 81
Which one is wrong : A.(3, 6) E.(-5 , -5) F. (-3 , -2) C. (-4, 3)
titik F
Carilah titik koordinat tenda 4
( 0 , -2 )
Carilah titik koordinat kolam
( - 3 , -3 )
If we want to form BCEG Isosceles Trapezoid (trapesium sama kaki), determine point G
( 3 , 2 )
If we want to form BCEF Parallelogram, determine point F
( 1 , 2 )
What shape formed by connecting points A, D and E
Right Triangle
Determine coordinate E
( 2 , -2 )
Determine coordinate C
( - 3 , -2 )
Determine coordinate B
( -4 , 2 )
In the Mathematic test, the average score for Nessa, Roni, Benny, and Bob was 75. Nessa and Benny got same score 80, Roni and Bob also got same score. What score did Roni get?
Find the median : 86, 72, 85, 91, 73, 79, 90
Find the mode from the graph
Kelas 1
Find the mean : 75, 85, 80, 95, 100
Mrs. Bella bought 2 meats. The average mass of two meats was 3.5 kg. One of the meats was 1.4 kg heavier than the other. What was the mass of the heavier meat?
4.2 kg
The average number of students in both Class C and Class D is 28. Class D has 4 more students than Class C. How many students are there in class D?
Mr Bean went fishing daily from Monday to Friday. On average, he caught 16 fish per day. He caught 12 fish on Monday. If he catches the same number of fish from Tuesday to Friday, then how many fish that he caught on Thursday?
4. In the Mathematic test, the average score for Nessa, Roni, Benny, and Bob was 79. Nessa got a score of 90, Benny got 75, and Bob got 81. What score did Roni get?
Find the mode : 85, 97, 80, 87, 97, 81, 75, 91, 80
80 and 97
Find the median : 96, 74, 85, 90, 73, 79
Find the mean : 75, 85, 80, 90, 100