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6th grade- superlatives and comperatives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tomek is as ________ (late) as Magda to English lesson.
My pet is the _________ (good) in the world.
better/the best
Maybe, next week I won't get ______ (bad) grade than last week.
Giraffes are the _______ (tall) animals in this zoo!
the tallest
Buying an IPhone is ______ (expensive) than buying an Android mobile phone.
more expensive
Winter is the _______ (cold) seasons of the year.
the coldest
Pumas is as fast as grizzly bear.
My friend is the ______ (funny) person I know.
the funniest
Maths is as _____ (difficult) as a science.
The block of flats is ______ (high) than a simple house.
higher/the highest
My scarf is the _____ (long) of them all.
the longest
The princess is ______ (beautiful)than the witch.
more beautiful
Sam is the ______ (popular) student in the class.
most popular
Elephants are ______ (heavy) animals.
the heaviest
Bicycles are _____ (safe) than motorbikes.
Our house is _____(big) than yours
Helen is _______(happy) than Mary
Israel is _________(beautiful) country in the world!
the most beautiful
This shirt is ________(expensive) in the store!
the most expensive
Monday is the _______(bad) day of the week! ):
Is Christiano Ronaldo _____(old) than Messi?
My sister thinks she is _______(smart) than me