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Biology Chapters Review

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Genetic drift is the gradual change in allele frequencies in a small population, where some alleles are lost or favoured.
Selection and Evolution
Codominant alleles each affect phenotype when both of them are present.
Osmoregulation is the control of the water potential of blood and tissue fluid by controlling the water content and/or the concentration of ions, particularly sodium ions.
The pigments in a thylakoid membrane are arranged in clusters called photosystems.
Glycolysis is the splitting, or lysis, of glucose. It takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell.
Energy and Respiration
Any molecule which the body recognises as foreign is an antigen.
Oxygen diffuses down its concentration gradient from the air in the alveoli to the blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses down its concentration gradient in the opposite direction.
Gas Exchange
Atrial systole is the stage of the cardiac cycle when the muscle in the walls of the atria contracts.
Transport in Mammals
Phloem contains tubes called sieve tubes that are made from cells called sieve tube elements.
Transport in Plants
The Okazaki fragments are formed the parent strand that runs in the 5′ to 3′ direction.
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Increasing the substrate concentration may stop the the works of competitive inhibitor.
Glycosidic bond: a C–O–C link between two sugar molecules, formed by a condensation reaction; it is a covalent bond.
Biological Molecules
The cells in your body vary in size from about 5 μm to 40 μm.
Cell Structure
Antibiotic resistance arises by mutation and becomes widespread when antibiotics are overused.
Infectious Diseases
The cell cycle is the sequence of events that takes place between one cell division and the next. It has three phases: interphase, nuclear division and cell division.
The Mitotic Cell Cycle
Node of Ranvier is a very short gap between Schwann cells where myelinated axons are not covered in myelin so are exposed to tissue fluid.
Control and Coordination