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Class Rules

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is it okay to interrupt the teacher?
getting sick, emergencies (fire, flood, etc)
What does it mean to respect your teacher?
follow directions, use manners, do not interrupt
What does respect your school mean?
clean up after yourself, no vandalizing, do not take things that do not belong to you
What does respect your classmates mean?
using your manners, asking for permission, keeping quiet so others can work etc
____________________ your classmates, school and teachers
What are some non examples of "keep your hands and feet to yourself"?
play fighting, taking others things, grabbing onto others etc.
Keep your hand and feet to ____________________
What does stay on task mean?
work on your assignments without bothering others
What does hand signals mean?
Raise your hand to answer questions, without blurting out
Use hand signals and ______________________ on task
What does follow directions mean?
Complete the directions that are given by the teacher/ EA
What does listen mean?
not talking, paying attention, not fidgeting or moving around the room?
Listen and follow ______________________
What types of things would make you go straight to the principal?
Violence, vandalism, bullying
What happens if you break a rule a fourth time?
What does think time mean?
Fill out a form about the rule(s) you have broken
What happens if you break a rule a third time?
think time
What does a sideline mean?
move away from the whole class and stay until you are ready to rejoin the class
What happens if you break a rule a second time?
what does a redirect mean?
What happens when you break a rule the first time?