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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Zadie __________ bored and her friends didn't have time to be with her. A) was b) were
A) was
She ___________ to travel again beacuse her future didn't look good. A) wanted B) didn't want
didn't want
Later she _____ Zuni and they watched a film. A) visited B) didn't visit
A) visited
She __________to bed and dreamed of ...... A) didn't go B) went
B) went
Then they _________what to do, so Zadie went home. A) didn't knew B) didn't know
B) didn't know
The film was terrible and they _________it. A) liked B) didn't like
B) didn't like
She _____ lunch because she wasn't hungry. A) didn't eat B) ate
A) didn't eat
Zadie ___________ homework, so she listened to music. A) had B) didn't have
didn't have