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Simple Counting

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which apples is the smallest?
The green apples is the smallest.
How many black cats are in the picture?
There are 4 black cats.
Which pumpkin is the biggest?
The orange pumpkin is the biggest.
How many ghosts are in the picture?
There are 4 ghosts in the picture.
What number is this?
This is the number 7.
How many happy pumpkins are there?
There are 3 happy pumpkins.
What number is this?
This is the number 10.
How many leaves are there?
There are 6 leaves.
How many dots are on the die?
There are 5 dots on the die.
How many scarecrows are there?
There are 5 scarecrows.
How many witches are there?
There are 7 witches.
What number is this?
This is the number 3.
Which one is more? Green apples or Red apples?
There are more green apples.
How many tally marks are there?
There are 12 tally marks.
How many leaves are there?
There are 7 leaves.
What number is this?
This is a number 4.
How many pumpkins have a cat on it?
There is one pumpkin with a cat on it.
How many bats are there?
There are 6 bats.
How many dots are on the die?
There are 6 dots on the die.
How many pine cones are there?
There are 6 pine cones.
What number is this?
This is the number 8.
What number is this?
This is the number 5.
How many flowers are there?
There are 4 flowers.
How many pumpkins are there?
There are 4 pumpkins.
How many candy corn are there?
There are 8 candy corn.