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Future Plans

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ________________ (not play) video games tonight because we have an exam tomorrow.
aren't going to play
The doctor ______________ (check) my body temperature.
is going to check
My cat _________________ (not go) to the vet later.
isn't going to go
The two boys _________________ (ride) a bus to Sharjah next weekend.
are going to ride
My parents ________________ (visit) me at school tomorrow.
are going to visit
I ______________ (not watch) TV tonight.
am not going to watch
Tomorrow, Mariam _______________ (cycle) to school.
is going to cycle
I _________________ (wake up) early on Saturday morning.
am going to wake up
You _____________ (go) to the library this evening.
are going to go
Suzana __________________ (eat) sushi at the mall tomorrow.
isn't going to eat
The men __________________ (wear) a blazer for tonight's event.
are going to wear
We ___________________ (write) a letter to our teacher.
are going to write
My grandfather _________________ (read) a newspaper tomorrow morning.
is going to read
Haziq ___________________ (not ride) a horse next holiday.
isn't going to ride
The kids ____________________ (not visit) a museum next week.
aren't going to visit
Zahra and Natasha __________________ (not sleep) late tonight.
aren't going to sleep
My father __________________ (buy) us a new car next month.
is going to buy
The teachers __________________ (watch) a funny movie next weekend.
are going to watch
Laila ___________________ (drink) water tonight.
is going to drink
I ________________ (eat) ice cream tomorrow.
am going to eat