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Animals + Colors

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What two colors might you find on a beagle dog?
brown, black and white
What color are kangaroos?
brown or grey
What two colors are most cows?
black and white
What color is a Bengal tiger?
orange with black stripes
What color is a typical parrot?
many colors but often red, blue or green
What two colors are common in a mallard duck?
green and brown
What color are crows?
What color is a common house cat?
many different colors but often grey, orange or white
What two colors are often seen in a koi fish?
white and orange
What color are most wolves?
grey or white
What color is a goldfish?
What two colors are in a raccoon's fur?
black and grey
What color are most squirrels?
grey or brown
What color is a cardinal bird?
What two colors are often found on a penguin?
black and white
What color is a peacock's tail?
blue and green
What color are elephants?
What color is a jay bird?
What color are most frogs?
What color is a giraffe?
yellow or white and brown
What colors are commonly seen on a horse
brown , white or black
What color are flamingos?
What color is a zebra?
black and white
What color are most pigs?
light pink