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Fix the Father's Day Sentences

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My father is my hero and I looks up to him very much.
My father is my hero and I LOOK up to him very much.
Dad always make sure we have everything we need.
Dad always MAKES sure we have everything we need.
He teach me the importance of saving money.
He TEACHES me the importance of saving money.
My father has a big heart and he cares about everyone.
(No mistake!) My father has a big heart and he cares about everyone.
Dad always encourage me to do my best.
Dad always ENCOURAGES me to do my best.
My father's favorite hobbies is painting and he is really good at it.
My father's favorite HOBBY is painting and he is really good at it.
He is a great storyteller and often tells us about his childhood.
(No mistake!) He is a great storyteller and often tells us about his childhood.
Dad's advice has helped me many time in my life.
Dad's advice has helped me many TIMES in my life.
My father enjoy gardening in his free time.
My father ENJOYS gardening in his free time.
Dad is the smartest person I know, he can always helps me with my homework.
Dad is the smartest person I know, he can always HELP me with my homework.
He always knows how to make me feel better when I am sad.
(No mistake!) He always knows how to make me feel better when I am sad.
My father's cooking is the best in the whole family.
(No mistake!) My father's cooking is the best in the whole family.
Dad love watching movies with us on weekends.
Dad LOVES watching movies with us on weekends.
My father is very kind and always willing to help other's.
My father is very kind and always willing to help OTHERS.
Dad's laugh is contagious, it makes everyone around him smiles.
Dad's laugh is contagious, it makes everyone around him SMILE.
He teaches me how to play guitar.
He teaches me how to play THE guitar.
My father's advices are always helpful.
My father's ADVICE is always helpful.
Dad take us on road trips every summer.
Dad TAKES us on road trips every summer.
My father works very hard to support are family.
My father works very hard to support OUR family.
Dad's favorite sport is soccer and he play every weekend.
Dad's favorite sport is soccer and he PLAYS every weekend.
He love to read books about history.
He LOVES to read books about history.
My father has a great sense of humer.
My father has a great sense of HUMOR.
Dad always cook breakfast for us on Sundays.
Dad always COOKS breakfast for us on Sundays.
My father enjoy going fishing on weekends.
My father ENJOYS going fishing on weekends.