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Junior 2_Fall_F.E Correction

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the questions using the prompts below: ______________ going on vacation? To Hawaii!
Where are they
Who is he
Why are you
What are you
Complete the questions using the prompts below:_____________ talking to? His brother.
Who is he
Where are they
Why are you
What are you
Complete the questions using the prompts below: _________________ studying at 11:00 p.m.? Because we have a test tomorrow.
Why are you
Where are they
Who is he
What are you
Complete the questions using the prompts below: _________________reading? A text message.
What are you
Where are they
Who is he
Why are you
Make a negative (X) sentence using the present progressive: your mom and dad / drive / to work
your mom and dad aren't driving to work
Make a negative (X) sentence using the present progressive: I / study / Computer Science
I am not studying Computer Science
Make an affirmative (✔)sentence using the present progressive: we / play / baseball
We're playing baseball.
Make an affirmative (✔)sentence using the present progressive: Joe / read / a text message
Joe is reading a text message.
Choose the correct question: Because my favorite sport is skiing.
Why do prefer winter to summer?
Why are you happy today?
Why do Sam and Paul have music classes?
Why do you like Thursdays?
Choose the correct answer: Why are you so happy today?
Because it's my birthday.
Because my favorite sport is skiing.
Because I have dance practice
Because I want to be in a band.
Make affirmative and negative imperative sentences: swim / in the ocean
swim in the ocean / Don't swim in the ocean
Make affirmative and negative imperative sentences: eat / that ice cream
Eat that ice cream / Don't eat that ice cream
Write negative short answer: Can your sister ski?
No, she can't.
Write negative short answer: Can you dance, Tim?
No, I can't.
Write affirmative short answer: Can your dad play the guitar?
Yes, he can.
Write affirmative short answer: Can your parents speak English?
Yes, they can.
Reorder the words to make a sentence: your homework / can’t / you / do .
You can't do your homework
Reorder the words to make a sentence: speak / Japanese / can / my mom .
My mom can speak Japanese
Name the clothing item (spell the word)
Name the clothing item (spell the word)
a skirt
Name the clothing item (spell the word)
a sweater
Name the clothing item (spell the word)
Pants / Jeans
Name the clothing item (spell the word)
a shirt
Name the clothing item (spell the word)
a jacket
Name the sport (spell it)
Name the sport (spell it)
Name the sport (spell it)
track and field
Name the sport (spell it)
Name the sport (spell it)
Name the sport (spell it)