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Grade 7 - Disease Prevention

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__________ diseases are usually caused when a person drinks, bathes in, washes with or prepares food with water that has been contaminated by bacteria, viruses or parasites, usually from human or animal waste.
True or False: We can drink water from anywhere.
True or False: Wearing short-sleeved clothing will help you prevent insect-borne diseases.
True or False: Repairing damaged window and door screens will help you prevent insect-borne diseases.
True of False: Lifestyle diseases can lead to the fatal and debilitating conditions of diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.
True or False: Eat a healthy, well-balanced, diet including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
True of False: Exercise is not that very important.
True or False: Limit your consumption of meat, processed foods, sugary snacks and soft drinks.
Mercury poisoning, Heart Disease, Uranium Poisoning PCB Poisoning (“Yusho Disease): These are examples of what kind of disease?
Environmental Diseases
Yes or No: This will help you prevent acquiring an environmental disease "Use Chemical Cleaning Products at home"
This diseases are caused when people are exposed to toxins or substances in the environment (Pollution) that make them sick.
TRUE or FALSE Lifestyle diseases can be prevented by leading a healthy and active lifestyle, daily exercise and eating a healthy diet.
Chemo and radiation is used to treat which disease?
a disease that is  able to be transmitted from one sufferer to another; contagious or infectious.
Communicable disease
A medical condition or disorder regarded as being associated with the way in which a person lives, such as heart disease, stroke or obesity. What kind of disease is this?
Lifestyle Diseases
___________ is a condition that is present from birth. It can be inherited or caused by environmental factors.
Congenital Disease
Diseases carried by insects such as mosquitoes, ticks and fleas.
Insect-borne diseases
Name 3 controllable risk factors for heart disease.
stress, high bp, high cholesterol, inactivity, smoking, obesity
How does cancer spread through the body?
Through blood and lymph
Name the 3 uncontrollable risk factors to developing heart disease.
age, heredity, gender
__________ is an illness  that  occurs when people are exposed to toxins or substances in the environment (Pollution) that make them sick.
Environmental  disease/illness
A disease  spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.
Contagious disease
________ is a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
______ is something that carries a disease.
Cholera, Dipthyrea, Typhoid Fever are examples of _______ diseases
Malaria, Dengue Fever,   Zika Virus, and Yellow fever are caused by which insect?
Obeseity, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Heart Disease are examples of _______ diseases.