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IB DP Bivariate Statistics (Ch 5)

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Calculate Pearson's product-moment correlation for the data.
rP = 0.9998
Calculate Spearman's correlation coefficient for the data set.
rS = 1
What is the line of best fit, according to least squares regression?
a = 0.0322, b = 0.906
What is the sum of the shopping time?
Summation y = 22.63
Find the mean point.
mean point = (50, 22.63)
What is the mean point for the given data?
mean point = (13.5, 14.6)
What is the population standard deviation of the water remaining in liters?
2.148 == 2.15 L
What is the sample standard deviation of the time in hours?
What is the line of best fit, according to least squares regression?
a = -.273, b = 5.51
Calculate Spearman's correlation coefficient for the data set.
rS = -1
Calculate Pearson's product-moment correlation for the data.
rP = -0.874
Describe the correlation between the two data sets.
strong, negative correlation
What is the line of best fit, according to least squares regression?
a = -.975, b = 146.747
Describe the relationship between the Mathematics and Art marks.
strong, negative, linear correlation: rP= -0.9296 == -0.930
What is the sample standard deviation of the art project?
7.680422442 == 7.68
What is the population standard deviation of the mathematics test?
6.946221 == 6.95
How would you construct a scatter diagram for the data, by eye?
Mean point = (74.5, 74.1)
Which r value best describes this data set? Why? r = 1, r = -0.4, r = 0.7
r = -0.4
Which r value best describes this data set? Why? r = 1, r = -0.4, r = 0.7
r = 1
Which r value best describes this data set? Why? r = 1, r = -0.4, r = 0.7
r = 0.7
Answer a
Negative correlation. As prices increase, the number of tickets sold is likely to decrease. Causal. Less people will be able to afford tickets as the prices inc