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Medicine Grade 11

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Select three standards that have to be met to allow a doctor to perform Euthanasia. 1. Patients must request it themselves. 2. Patient must be suffering. 3. Patient's family must agree. 4. Two doctors must agree.
1, 2, 4
It is not possible for one to die except by permission of Allah. Qur'an 3:145 This Quranic Quotation shows that Islam teaches euthanasia is acceptable. True or false?
What is meant by the Sanctity of Life?
All life is a gift from God and therefore should be valued and looked after. Only God has the right to end life.
The term Euthanasia is made up of two Greek words. What do the these terms mean? Planned Death; Just Death; Good Death
Good Death
True or false: Euthanasia is legal in Belgium.
Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy are examples of
Alternative Medicines
MRI, CT Scan, X-ray are examples of
Modern Medicine
yoga, reiki, tai chi are examples of
Alternative medicine
What is another word/phrase for Euthanasia?
Mercy Killing
The top 1 country where Euthanasia is legalized
The Netherlands
Medicine practices which are often based on traditional knowledge, cultural beliefs, and holistic philosophies.
Alternative Medicine
________ is also known as conventional medicine, allopathic medicine, or Western medicine, is the dominant system of healthcare practiced worldwide.
Modern Medicine
An act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder or allowing them to die by withholding treatment or withdrawing artificial life-support measures.
A patient taking his or her own life with the aid of a physician is known as
Physician-assisted suicide
How is "Truthfulness" conveyed to the patient by medical practitioner? Explain
The physician is expected at all times to tell the patient the truth about their clinical condition.
A medical ethics that requires fairness in the management of patients and distribution of resources
_________ means that everything done by the medical practitioner should be in the best interest of the patient.
__________ is the freedom of patients and clients to make their decisions on their conditions
It is a subspecialty of medical care that brings together patients, caregivers, and nonmedical and medical professionals in an effort to make the best decision on a health care issue.
Medical Ethics
It guides our decisions and actions. It's the invisible force that helps us distinguish between right and wrong.
The Hippocratic Oath established one of the earliest principles that guide physicians to do no harm is
What Professional Field is The Hippocratic Oath Related To?
What Does The Oath Do?
The oath allows people to swear to the Greek Gods that they will heal to the best of their ability, spread their knowledge to others, and put the patient’s nee
Doctors should never speak on and patients whereabouts or business
Confidentiality (Hippocratic oath)
Who wrote the Hippocratic oath?
An oath that doctors took and still take where the doctor is mostly in control in doctor-patient relationship
Hippocratic Oath