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IB DP Probability (Ch 10)

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answer question b ii
answer question b i
answer question a
a = 3, b = 3
answer question c
answer question b
answer question a
Find the probability that this person is a smoker or is male.
130/200 (0.65, 65 %)
Write down the probability that this person is male given that they are a smoker.
60/90 (0.6 rep , 0.667, 66.6 rep %, 66.6… %, 66.7 %)
Write down the probability that this person is a smoker.
900/200 (0.45, 45 %)
A group of 30 students were asked about their favourite topping for toast. 18 liked peanut butter (A) 10 liked jam (B) 6 liked neither. Find the number of students who like both peanut butter and jam.
A group of 30 students were asked about their favourite topping for toast. 18 liked peanut butter (A) 10 liked jam (B) 6 liked neither. Show this information on the Venn diagram.
A= 18, B= 10, intersection of AB= 4, Complement of union of AB=6
Find the probability that a student chosen at random studies Physics, given that the student is male.
16/91 (0.176, 17.6%)
Find the probability that a student chosen at random is either male or studies Chemistry.
= 111/150 ( 37/50, 0.74, 74%)
Find the probability that a student chosen at random is male.
= 91/150 (0.607, 60.6%, 60.7%)
Display the possible results when two dice are rolled and the scores are added together. What is the probability that the sum of the dice is 10.
3/36 = 1/12
Display the possible results when two dice are rolled and the scores are added together.
A coin and pentagonal spinner with sectors 1 through 5 are tossed and sun respectively. Determine the chance of getting an odd number.
A coin and pentagonal spinner with sectors 1 through 5 are tossed and sun respectively. Determine the chance of getting a head and a prime number.
A coin and pentagonal spinner with sectors 1 through 5 are tossed and sun respectively. Determine the chance of getting a tail and a 4.
A coin and pentagonal spinner with sectors 1 through 5 are tossed and sun respectively. Draw the sample space, using any representation.
List the different orders in which Ania, Kasia, and Nacia may sit in a row.
A ticket is randomly selected from a basket containing 4 green, 5 yellow, and 6 blue tickets. Determine the probability of getting: a green or blue ticket
P(G or B) = 10/15 = 2/3
A ticket is randomly selected from a basket containing 4 green, 5 yellow, and 6 blue tickets. Determine the probability of getting: a blue or orange ticket
P(B or O)= 6/15 + 0 = 2/5
A ticket is randomly selected from a basket containing 4 green, 5 yellow, and 6 blue tickets. Determine the probability of getting: a yellow ticket
P(Y) = 5/15 = 1/3
A ticket is randomly selected from a basket containing 4 green, 5 yellow, and 6 blue tickets. Determine the probability of getting: a green ticket
P(G) = 4/15