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Passive voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the product you have ordered -and paid- is not available, then you want your money back. You want to get a ...
Shops usually have a ... at the end of every season. They sell all the products at a lower price.
When you buy a product, what should you keep in case you need to make a complaint in the future?
the receipt
When you find a product at a very low price, an opportunity, you pick up a ...
When you do not buy anything, but you just take a look at the shops, you go...
window shopping
in formal writing, if you know the reader's name, then your closing should be "Yours ..."
I am ... I have a complaint to make.
Dear... or Madam,
My parents take me to the cinema every month.
I am taken to the cinema every month.
Peter invited me to his party yesterday.
I was invited to Peter's party yesterday.
People produce chocolate in Colombia.
Chocolate is produced in Colombia.
Someone has parked this car in front of my garage!
This car has been parked in front of my garage!
We have made this model for the school assignment.
This model has been done for the school assignment.
What time do people usually serve dinner in your country?
What time is dinner usually served in your country?
Where did your relatives buy this sweater?
Where was this sweater bought?
I have not done my homework yet.
My homework has not been done yet.
An architect designed this building in 1890.
This building was designed in 1890.