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Conversation: What Could You Say?

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"The ice cream store is open again!"
What is your next question?
"A new Laser Tag place opened near me."
What is your next question?
"Did you hear we're getting 5 inches of snow tomorrow?"
What is your next question?
"My birthday is in a month."
What is your next question?
"I got a cool new video game."
What is your next question?
"I'm hungry!"
What is your next question?
"How are you today?"
What is your next question?
"I think I want to watch a movie this weekend."
What is your next question?
"My uncle is coming to visit."
What is your next question?
"How was your weekend?"
What is your next question?
"School is so hard."
What is your next question?
"I have to get a shot today."
What is your next question?
"My parents just told me we're going to California this summer!"
What is your next question?
"I don't know what to have for dinner."
What is your next question?
"My parents fought last night."
What is your next question?
"I have a Science quiz tomorrow!"
What is your next question?
"My Chromebook won't charge."
What is your next question?
"I am so annoyed with my friend!"
What is your next question?
"What a crazy day I had."
What is your next question?
"I can't wait for the weekend!"
What is your next question?
"So what did you do today?"
What is your next question?
"Work was so annoying today."
What is your next question?
"It's so hot out today!"
What is your next question?