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Tourism Grade 10

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the wellbeing of local people and involves interpretation and education. What kind of Tourism is this?
The tourist not only performs different business-related activities but also receives financial benefits. Which kind of tourism is this?
Business Tourism
"annyeonghaseyo" "saranghae" "gomapseumnida" are words use to speak in which country?
South Korea
Anime is a hand-drawn and computer-generated animation which was originated from
is like a magazine but with pictures of the product or the service which the brand is promoting.
A place where you stay when you travel. (Use a general term)
Name this landmark
Cologne Cathedral in Germany
Name this flag
Where can you find this landmark?
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Name this flag
Name this landmark
Rio de Janeiro City in Brazil/ Christ The Redeemer
Name this landmark
Eiffel Tower - Paris, France
Name this flag
Name this landmark
Big Ben, London England
Name this landmark
Registan Square, Samarkand Uzbekistan
Name this Flag
The Philippines
is a travel document that allows you to enter a foreign country for a specific period of time.
Name this landmark
Taj Mahal, India
Name this landmark
Golden Gate Bridge, USA
Name this landmark
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
The movement of people, spatially and temporally, out of their own communities for leisure and business purposes.
a case used to carry belongings when traveling
luggage, suitcase
When you and your friends go for a long travel only by road
Road trip
A document issued by a country to a citizen allowing that person to travel abroad and re-enter the home country
Someone who points out the way and leads others on a trip or tour
tour guide
things that remind you of a place you visited or an experience you had
small paper or card you need to enter or get on a train or bus
One of the seven wonders of the world
The Great Wall of China
a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services
The activity of walking uphill for pleasure
people who travel for pleasure
A holiday which is spent sunbathing and swimming
a beach holiday
the activity of travelling for pleasure, carrying a backpack
an ocean trip taken for pleasure
a cruise