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Baamboozle week18

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many people have blue eyes?
What time is it?
What time is it?
If you had 40 nuggets and 4 people how many nuggets to each person get?
What happen when Wily Wonka transfer his candy bar by tv?
It got smaller
How do plants made their food?
A living thing that breaks down dead organisms for food
An animal that hunts another animal for food
A living thing that makes it own food
What is an arranged marriage?
When someone else who chooses who you marry
What does the word cross mean in our book?
To be mad at someone
Are the square candy that look round actually look round?
No they look around the room with their eyes
How many meatballs did we put in each sub?
What ingredients did we put in the meatballs?
bread crumbs, eggs, and hamburg
What is a producer and give an example?
Any kind of plant. They make their own food using photosysythesis
How does plant make food?
How does Willy Wonka say they could fix Violet?
juice her
What was the last flavor that Violet tasted in the gum?
blueberry pie
Why did Willy Wonka tell violet not to eat the gum?
It wasn't ready yet
What color did violet turn after chewing the gum?
What is wrong with the everlasting gobstopper?
You grow hair and facial hair. You facial hair gets so long you need an lawn mower to cut it.