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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does a dichotomous key help us do?
Identify a species scientific name based on their physical traits
Which is the correct way to write a scientific name?
Why do scientists refer to organisms by their species name, rather than using the common name, e.g. "mountain lion"?
It ensures that everyone knows which species is being referred to
Name 3 of the 6 kingdoms (the second biggest group)
plantae, protista, animalia, fungi, bacteria, archaea
Name 2 of the 3 domains: (hint two of the groups are single celled with no nucleus)
Eukarya, Archaea, Bacteria
What are the two classification levels used to name a species scientifically?
Genus and Species
What is the highest or most broad level of classification?
What level of organization belongs in y?
What level of organization belongs in x?
Who came up with the first hierarchical system of classification and the system of binomial nomenclature? Linnaeus, Darwin, or Aristotle
What is classification in biology? A. Deciding which species have the best features B. The splitting all species into the animal or plant kingdom C. The process of sorting of species into groups
The process of sorting of species into groups