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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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use present continuous: I (to play) a videogame.
I am playing a videogame.
Use present simple: They (to be) tired.
They are tired.
Use present simple: I (to be) hungry.
I am hungry.
Use past simple: We (to be) excited for the new year.
We were excited for the new year.
Use present simple: It (to be) cold outside today.
It is cold outside today.
Use past simple: It (to be) a difficult test.
It was a difficult test.
Use past simple: The dog (to be) playful.
The dog was playful.
Use past simple: They (to be) hungry.
They were hungry
Use past continuous neg: We (to sit) together.
We weren't sitting together.
Use present continuous neg: He (to go) to Paris.
He isn't going to Paris.
Use past continuous: She (clean) her room.
She was cleaning her room.
Use present continuous: They (watch) a movie.
They are watching a movie.
Use present simple: He (to be) at the grocery store.
He is at the grocery store.
Use past simple neg: She (to be) at school.
She wasn't at school.
Use present simple: I (to be) happy.
I am happy.
Use past simple: I (to be) happy.
I was happy.