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to all the animals and plants that live and grow in natural environments, away from human control or domestication. It includes creatures like birds, mammals, insects, and various types of plants that thrive in their natural habitats.
is a big, round thing that moves around a star, like how Earth moves around the Sun. Planets don't make their own light, but they shine because they reflect light from stars. Earth is one of these planets.
The planet
a gas that we breathe in to stay alive. It's present in the air and is essential for most living things to survive and generate energy from food.
the ability to do work or produce heat, light, or power. It comes in various forms like electricity, heat, or motion and is essential for making things happen or causing change
materials or substances that are no longer needed or useful and are disposed of because they're seen as unusable or unwanted
a gas that we breathe out and is also released when we burn things like gasoline or wood. It's in the air around us and can make the Earth warmer.
be free from dirt, marks, or unwanted substances, often achieved by washing or removing impurities.
using something again instead of throwing it away, giving it a new purpose or function to prevent waste.
Garbage is unwanted or discarded waste material, often including things like food scraps, packaging, and other items thrown away as no longer useful.
a container specifically designed to hold waste materials and garbage until it can be collected for disposal.
waste materials or items that are no longer wanted or needed. It includes various discarded materials such as food scraps, packaging, paper, plastics, and other items that are thrown away.
the process of cutting down, clearing, or removing trees from a forested area, often resulting in the transformation of forest land into non-forest areas like agricultural fields, urban spaces, or barren land.
make something, like air, water, or soil, dirty, harmful, or less pure by adding harmful substances or waste materials.
all the creatures and plants that live in the ocean or saltwater.
Marine Life
a large area covered chiefly with trees and underbrush, forming a natural ecosystem.
all about everything around us, like nature, air, water, and where living things exist.