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Halloween Quiz

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What is your favorite Halloween candy?
skittles, snickers, m&ms, candy corn, twizzlers
True or False: A Pumpkin is a fruit?
What animal is a symbol of bad luck? It is a witches pet.
A black cat
What three items would you take with you if you had to spend the night in a haunted house?
flash light, candy, sleeping bag, blanket, water
What do witches cook in their cauldrons?
Potions or spells
What are the 3 colors of a candy corn?
Yellow, orange, white
What is the name of a Mexican festival celebrated to remember loved ones who have died?
Day of the Dead/Dia De Los Muertos
What is your favorite Halloween movie?
Goosebumps, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hotel Transylvania
What is the most popular Halloween candy?
Candy Corn
What season is Halloween in?
What day is Halloween?
October 31st
Give a synonym for 'spooky'.
Frightening / scary / terrifying
What monsters come out when the moon is full?
I am wrapped in white bandages. What am I dressed as?
A mummy
What do you call the head bone?
Where do vampires sleep?
In coffins
In which country did Halloween originate?
Who is this famous character?
What's this place?
A haunted house
What’s the name of the most famous vampire?
What do children say when they knock on doors to get sweets?
Trick or treat
What are pumpkins called after we carve them?
Jack O Lanterns
What do people wear on Halloween?
What do witches fly on?
A broom