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Achievers 8 (A2) Semester 1 Review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Projects and presentations are better ways to _______ students' knowledge and ability. (assist/assess/access/accept)
Using water for agriculture is ______ the water supply. (effecting/affecting/polluting/changing)
Human are destroying the air by adding (pollute) _______ to it.
They say the exams _______ they have to take often make them worried. (whose/which/whom)
Students love going to school. ______, they don't like exams. (Although/Moreover/Therefore/However)
The man is my boss. The man’s car was broken by me. => The man...
The man whose car was broken by me is my boss.
I won't forget the girl. You said you dated her before me. => I won't...
I won't forget the girl whom you said you dated before me.
This house is scary to stay in. => It's...
It's scary to stay in this house.
My mother needs 2 hours to watch K-Drama every day. => My mother spends...
My mother spends 2 hours watching K-Drama every day.
"Unless you pay me 2000$, you won't see your daughter again."=> If....
If you don't pay me 2000$, you won't see your daughter again.
My father needs 5 minutes to read newspaper every morning. => My father spends...
My father spends 5 minutes reading newspaper every morning
“Unless you phone me tonight, we won't go out anymore." => If...
If you don’t phone me tonight, we won't go out anymore.
This movie is interesting to watch. => It's...
It’s interesting to watch this movie.
I can't remember the boy. You said you fell in love with him in the library. => I can't...
I can't remember the boy whom you fell in love with in the library.
The man teaches my class. The man’s daughter is fond of dancing. => The man...
The man whose daughter is fond of dancing works teaches my class.