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Ecce Romani Chapter 6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate "Davus statim surgit et laborare parat."
Davus immediately gets up and prepares to work.
Translate "dormiunt"
They sleep
Translate "Cornelius petit Davum qui est in horto."
Cornelius looks for Davus who is in the garden.
Translate "Ancillae villam purgant"
The slave-women clean the country house.
Translate "laborant"
They work
Translate "surgit"
She gets up
Translate "surgunt".
They get up.
Translate "vult".
She wants/she wishes
Cibum is a
singular direct object/accusative
Translate "Aurelia Corneliam docet."
Aurelia teaches Cornelia.
Subito means
Translate "Matrem observat Cornelia."
Cornelia watches mother.
The gender, case, and number of Cornelium
masc. acc. sing.
The gender, case, and number of ancillae is
fem. nom. plur.
Sub arbore is a
prepositional phrase with the object in the ablative
Servi is a
plural subject/nominative
Aquam is a
singular direct object/accusative
In horto is a
prepositional phrase with the object in the ablative case
Per villam is a
prepositional phrase with the object in the accusative
Ancillam is a
singular direct object/accusative
Cornelia is a
singular subject/nominative