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20. Requiring a lot of effort, skill, or attention.
19. Lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely.
18. To engage in physical exercise or training.
(work out)
17. To be responsible for or have control over something.
(in charge of)
16. The potential for future success or advancement in one's career.
(career prospects)
14. Food that is rich in nutrients and provides nourishment.
12. To keep a record or monitor something.
11. A person or organization that employs others.
10. Food that is in its natural state and has not been cooked or processed.
9. To feel sorry or remorseful about something.
8. A meal or diet that contains a good balance of nutrients.
7. Food that has undergone a series of mechanical or chemical processes to alter its original form.
6. Food that is cooked by using steam, without any oil or fat.
5. A component or element used in preparing a dish.
4. This type of food is cooked in an oven, without the use of oil or fat.
3. To feel sorry or remorseful about something.
2. Food that is made at home, usually from scratch, is considered to be this.
1. This type of food is cooked in hot oil until it becomes crispy and golden brown.