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E11 - Unit 6 - Worksheet A Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To-V: Laika was the first dog which was launched into space in 1957.
Laika was the first dog to be launched into space in 1957.
To-V: They went to Sam Son Beach last week. They wanted to swim and enjoy seafood.
They went to Sam Son Beach last week to swim and enjoy seafood.
To-V: My brother is the only person of our family who went to college.
My brother is the only person of our family to go to college.
To-V: Junko Tabei is the first woman who reaches the summit of Mount Everest.
Junko Tabei is the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
To-V: PhongNha – Ke Bang is the largest limestone region that contains hundred caves and grottoes.
PhongNha – Ke Bang is the largest limestone region to contain several hundred caves and grottoes.
To-V: Many tourists go to Ha Long Bay. They want to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Many tourists go to Ha Long Bay to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Management and _________ in Hoi An are further strengthened through master planning and action plans. (preserve)
They suggested using _______ media activities, such as photo competitions, to help people know about their heritage sites (society)
Due to its special ________ constitution, Ba Be Lake has very original and special features. (geology)
In 1805, King Gia Long requested the building of a new, smaller citadel called Ha Noi Citadel with a new _______ style. (architecture)
OPPOSITE: Hoi An is an ANCIENT town which became a World Heritage Site in 1999. Its houses are small and old.
OPPOSITE: Tourists can do and see a lot in Ha Long Bay at a REASONABLE price.
Closest: Some videos about country life are now TRENDING on social media.
Closest: In addition to seeing its FLORA AND FAUNA, visitors can also enjoy mountain climbing.
plants and animals