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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When was the first FIFA World Cup held?
When was the first radio broadcast for entertainment and music made?
When was the sinking of the Titanic?
April, 1912
What happened in 2004?
A) The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami. B) The Pandemic COVID-19. C) The FIFA World Cup in France.
What happened in 1954?
A) The First Organ Transplant. B) The First Cloning. C) The First Moon Landing.
What happened in 1945?
A) The Malvinas War. B) The Fall of The Berlin Wall. C) The Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What happened in 1918?
A) The Fall of The Berlin Wall. B) The End of The Second War World. C) The End of the First War World.
What happened in 1969?
A) The First Organ Transplant. B) The First Moon Landing. C) The First FIFA World CUP.
What happened in 1492?
A) The American Independence. B) The Argentinian Independence. C) The Discovery of America.
What happened in 2001?
A) The Terrorists Attacks in New York. B) The Terrorists Attacks in Washington DC. C) The Terrorists Attacks in Argentina.
What happened in 1945?
A) The End of The First War World. B) The End of The Second War World. C) The Discovery of America.
What happened in 1963?
A) The First Moon Landing. B) The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. C) The Assassination of Thomas Jefferson.