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Manners Game

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this picture showing good manners?
No - what should you do instead?
Are you using good manners if you leave someone out when playing a game?
No - you want to make sure you include everyone.
If you accidentally bump into someone, what is something you can say to them?
Excuse me, I'm sorry...
When you clap for someone during a game in PE class with a teacher, you are showing sportsmanship. Is that using good manners?
Yes it is!! :)
Yes or No: When we are finished playing during choice time, and its time to clean up, we should walk away and leave the toys right where they are.
No - we need to help clean up and put them back where they belong
Yes or No: When you enter the classroom, hanging your backpack on the closet hooks shows good manners so others don't trip on it. 
Yes  - its important to put our belongings in their proper place
If someone trips and falls, are you using your manners if you look at them and laugh?
No - you should ask if they are ok and offer to help them up.
If you want to get a drink, but you see your teacher talking with the Principal, should you: A: wait until they are finished talking or B: walk in between them and say "I'm thirsty!"
A - raise your hand, wait quietly and patiently until they are finished talking
If you want to use something that belongs to someone else, do you just take it without asking?
No - you should ask if you could borrow it. Don't forget "please!" :)
While waiting in line, should you tell others to hurry up?
No - that doesn't show good manners, we need to be patient
If you sneeze, how do you use good manners?
You should sneeze into your elbow, cover your nose and mouth, wash your hands, turn away from others...
Is this picture showing good manners?
No - what should you do instead?
What should you say if you hurt someone's feelings?
I'm sorry
What should you do after using the restroom?
Wash your hands
What should you say when you receive something from someone?
Thank you
What should you say to someone if you are asking for something?