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How long/wide/high/tall

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much juice do you have in the fridge today?
How many lip balms do you have?
How much water do you drink a day?
How many legs does a spider have?
How far can an ant walk?
6km a day
7 km a day
10 km a day
How much do you weigh?
How much does an elephant weigh?
6,800 kg
10,458 kg
6,386 kg
How much water should a woman drink every day?
2.5 liters
3.0 liters
2.0 liters
How tall is Julissa?
1,65 m
1,55 m
1,68 m
How tall is \Mount Everest?
8,848 m
6,456 m
7,397 m
How tall is it?
828 m
207 m
1,456 m
How tall is it?
979 m
467 m
949 m
How long is this snake?
5,21 m
1,67 m
4,72 m
5 m and 33 cm
How long is her hair?
5,62 m
3,78 m
6,82 m
How long are her nails?
7 m and 51 cm
8 and 43 cm
5 m and 36 cm
How ______ are his horns?
3m and 23 cm
1 m and 49 cm
2 m and 22 cm
How tall is he?
70,21 cm
56 cm
36 cm
How tall is he?
272 cm
214 cm
209 cm
How tall is he|?
1,118 m
1,034 m
1,200 m