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What do these 3 things have in common?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Brown, Black, Polar
Ostrich, penguin, broken airplane
They can't fly
Cheese, Caramel, butter
popcorn flavors
Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate cookie dough
ice cream flavors
Cat, sword, jelly
End in"fish'
Fear, love, anger
apple, pumpkin, chocolate cream
Mail, Pizza, Amazon
They are delivered
jellyfish, wasp, bee
They sting
Cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni
pizza toppings
Leopard, Tiger, Cheetah
Peter pan, skippy, jif
peanut butter
Ring, index, pinky
Spring, fall, summer
A ball, a fish, a cold
Things that you catch
Eagles, Packers, Steelers
Football teams
Washington, California, Oregon
States on the West Coast of USA
Boogie, Cookie, Loch Ness
They are all monsters