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Genetics Quiz Review

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Why is it harder for a female to get an X linked trait than a male?
It takes both the Xs to have the trait for the female but only one X for the male to have it.
For X linked traits, who is more likely to express the trait?
In a pedigree what does a partially shaded in square indicate?
A carrier male
In a pedigree what does a fully shaded in square indicate?
An affected male
What bloodtype is the universal acceptor?
What blood type is the universal donor?
Type O
What are the two genotypes that can result in type A blood?
IAIA and Iai
Is it possible for a man with type AB blood to have a child with type O blood?
(Incomplete dominance) Two pink flowered plants are crossed to produce offspring. What is the phenotype ratio for their offspring?
1 Red : 2 Pink : 1 white
What can you assume about I1's parents from this pedigree?
They both had at least one recessive allele for albinism.
What is the genotype of both of the individuals in generation I?
1 Aa 2 aa
What is the term for this genotype? Rr
What is the term for this genotype? RR
Homozygous Dominant
How many chromosomes does a normal human karyotype have?
23 pairs or 46 total
What is the probability the child will have brown eyes?
What color are the parents eyes?
Maternal: Brown Paternal: Brown
What is a phenotype?
The physical expression of a gene
What is an allele?
A form of a gene
If you cross a true breeding White flowered plant with a True breading purple flowered plant what is the genotype Ratio?
0 homozygous dom. : 4 heterozygous : 0 homzygous rec.