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day 4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens if : The kinetic energy of a moving car increases. (according to the damage during collision).
The damage would be much more stronger
What happens if : Two bicycles move in opposite directions collide with each other
the damage of the two bicycles would be much more severe.
Give reason for : The speed of the ball increases when the cricket bat hits it hardly
Because the kinetic energy of the bat transfers to the ball.
Give reason for : If two vehicles moves at the same speed, the vehicle with a large mass causes more damage than the vehicle with a small mass during collision.
Because the large mass vehicle has more kinetic energy than the small mass vehicle
What happens if : A stopped ball at the top of a slope starts to move down. (according to the change of its energy)
The potential energy changes into kinetic energy .
What happens if : You switch on an electric lamp. (according to the change of energy).
the electrical energy changes Into light and thermal energies
Give reason for : A bird stops on a tree has energy.
Because the bird is found at a height from the Earth's surface, so it has potential energy.
Give reason for : Both the Sun and electric lamp produce two forms of energy
because they produces light and thermal energies
What happens if 3- The pulling forces of the two teams are equal in the tug of war game.
The rope will not move because the two forces are balanced
Give reason : 4- on pushing a table, it moves for a distance till it stops.
Due to the friction force
Give reason for : 3- When you let a pen out of your hand, it falls on the ground
due to the pulling force of gravity.
What happens if : 1- When you push two similar balls with different forces on the ground
The ball that is affected by the greater force will move a longer distance than the other ball.
Give reason for : 2- When you kick a ball that laying on the ground, it moves
Due to the pushing force of your leg that acts on it
Give reason for : 1- The shockwave truck is faster than the normal truck.
Because it has 3 jet engines
What happens if : The traffic light becomes red while you are going to cross the road.
your brain will send a message to stop and not cross
Give reason for : 2.People use face expressions during talking with each other
To help people to guess how they feel
Give reason for : 1. The symbols that are used in writing have a specific pattern.
To give a specific meaning according to the arrangement of letters
Give reason for : The fishing cat's eyes seem to glow in the dark
Because it has a mirror like membrane that reflect the falling light
Give reason for : 1. Animals that live in hot regions become active at night.
As the best time to look for food is night time, when it is cooler
What happens if : -The sound waves produced by a dolphin hit an object under water?
It will bounce back to the dolphin as echo and the dolphin will locate that object
Give reason for : 3- Dolphins can hear all kinds of sound
because they have super sense of hearing
Give reason for : 2- Owls can hunt during the night
because they have super senses of hearing and sight.
Give reason for : 1- The Egyptian mongoose make sounds
To Communicate with other mongooses to locate food
Give reason for : 2-Fennec foxes have large ears, while arctic foxes have short ears.
fennec fox large ears help. to lose the heat while arctic fox short ears to stay warm
Give reason for : 1- Burrow is an excellent place for arctic and fennec foxes.
fennec fox to stay cool during hot days while arctic fox to stay warm at night
Give reason for : penguins feet help them survive in cold climate
Because the warm blood vessels warm up the cold blood vessels