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What ecological problems do we have in Kazakhstan?
Your answers
What is light pollution? Examples?
Too much artificial light is produced. In cities. Baby turtles can't find the ocean;(
What is noise pollution? Examples?
Excessive or unpleasant sounds. In cities - stress, poor sleep and relaxation.
What is air pollution? Examples?
Air pollution is caused from burning fossil fuels in factories, cars, etc.
What is water pollution? Examples?
Water pollution is when water is polluted with waste or chemicals. For example, plastic bottles in oceans, factory waste.
What is land pollution? Examples?
Land pollution is when the land is polluted with waste or chemicals. For example, throwing the rubbish on the ground, landfiils.
Using both sides of paper - is it good or bad for environment?
Leaving the lights on when not needed - is it good or bad for environment?
How many types of pollution do we have?
5: Land, air, water, noise, light
Is a rabbit an oviparous or viviparous animal?
Is a spider an oviparous or viviparous animal?
What does "viviparous animal" mean?
Viviparous animals are born from their mother's womb and look like their parents.
What does "oviparous animal" mean?
Oviparous animals are born from eggs.
Is a fish a warm-blooded or cold-blooded animal?
What does "cold-blooded animal" mean?
Cold-blooded animals have a variable body temperature.
What does "warm-blooded animal" mean?
Warm-blooded animals have a constant body temperature.
Is a bear a warm-blooded animal?
What parts does the plant have?
1.root 2.stem 3.leaves 4.petal 5.anther
What conditions are needed for the growth of the seed?
1. Water 2. Warmth 3. Sunlight 4. Nutrients 5. Good quality seed
Does a seed have a coat?
Yes! It is called a seed coat :)
What is seed germination?
Seed germination is the growth of a seed into a plant.