Edit Game
BS2 Unit 5.2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Learning about animals has no impact on their protection
What can you do with an item you normally throw in the trash?
Repurpose it into something new.
True or False: Pollution only affects land, not air or water
What can you do to help the environment?
True or False: Walking or riding bikes instead of driving does not help keep the air clean
You can help clean up polluted lakes by...
picking up trash.
True or False: All items made from Earth can be recycled
Plants and animals can be taken to a refuge
How does reusing an item help the environment?
It prevents waste and conserves resources.
True or False: Animals do not use trees for their homes
What item can be reused to make a vase?
A used bottle.
You can recycle by writing on both sides of a paper
Recycling helps reduce pollution
True or False: A refuge provides animals with more food than usual
Match the sentence halves: We can protect Earth by...
using less of everything on Earth.
How can people help protect forest habitats?
By planting new trees.
True or False: You should turn off the water while brushing your teeth to save water
How can learning about animals help protect them?
By understanding their needs and how to preserve their habitats.
True or False: Refuges provide animals with a safe place to live
A refuge is a place where people can build homes and factories
What happens to animals when people cut down trees?
They may lose their habitats.
Why do people cut down trees?
To use the wood.
What is the term for changing something so it can be used again?
True or False: Only paper and plastic can be recycled
not metal or glass
Match the recycled item to its bin: A glass bottle goes in the _____ bin
How does reusing paper help protect Earth?
It reduces the need to cut down trees.
True or False: Reusing items can help reduce the need to use new resources
What can you place in a yellow bin for recycling?
Pollution is the addition of harmful substances to the environment