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BS4 Unit 5.2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A person can pass pathogens to another person when they shake hands
What can a doctor discover during a regular health checkup?
Both infectious and noninfectious diseases.
A vaccine can produce immunity for more than one disease
How are noninfectious diseases like diabetes different from infectious diseases?
They are chronic and do not spread from person to person.
Vaccines contain a strong form of a virus
What is the primary benefit of covering your nose when you sneeze?
To prevent pathogens from spreading.
Athlete's foot is caused by a virus
What can a doctor treat with antiparasitic or antifungal medications?
Parasites and fungi.
Pathogens can spread without touching
like when someone sneezes
How can going to the doctor regularly keep you healthy?
They can detect diseases early.
Rabies can affect the brain and is a noninfectious disease
What is a common source for natural antibiotics?
Fungi cannot cause infectious diseases
How do vaccines work in your body?
They stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies.
Chronic diseases are infectious and spread quickly
Why is it important to complete the full course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor?
To ensure all bacteria are killed and prevent resistance.
Washing your hands can prevent the spread of many illnesses
What kind of pathogen causes malaria?
Food poisoning can be caused by contaminated food
Name one way colds can be spread.
An infected person’s sneeze.
Drinking dirty water is a way to get sick from contaminated food
Why should you wash vegetables and fruit before eating them?
To remove pathogens.
All vaccines are the same and protect against multiple diseases
What are antibiotics used for?
To kill bacteria in your body.
Antibiotics are effective against viruses
Match: Athlete's foot can spread by _____.
Fungi on contaminated objects.
How can diseases be spread by animals?
Bites from infected animals.
You can get athlete's foot from contaminated soil
What is the term used for bacteria like those that cause salmonella?
Pathogens can only infect you through direct contact with an infected person