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Amusement Park
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Fluffy, sweet treat that melts in your mouth
cotton candy
Shaved ice with fruity flavors to cool you down
snow cone
Get your snacks and treats at this small food stand
food stalls
Colorful explosions in the sky at night
This funny person wears a red nose and big shoes
Play games and if you're lucky, you might _______ a cute toy
win a prize
Enter if you dare! It's a bit scary but lots of fun
haunted house
Watch acrobats, clowns, and other performers under a big top.
A fast and exciting ride with twists and turns
roller coaster
Sit and enjoy swinging high in the air
chair swing
Swings back and forth like a ship on the high seas
pirate ship
Jump and bounce on this inflatable castle
bouncy castle
This spinning ride has horses that go up and down
Drive and bump into others in these fun, small cars
bumper cars
A big wheel that takes you high above the park to see everything
ferris wheel
Find this sign when you're ready to leave the amusement park
Someone who comes to the park to enjoy the rides and games.
When you're hungry, you make an __________ for your favorite snack.
Walk through this colorful gate to start your fun day
This person at the stand sells sweet treats like cotton candy
Go here to get your entrance pass to the amusement park
ticket booth
You need this to enter the amusement park and play all the rides there.