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Traditional Festival

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of festival is "Tết" ?
traditional festival
What's the fancy word for "food style" that makes you think of delicious dishes and recipes?
This is an action you do in special occasions, when you have achieved something and want to share that joy with other people.
What word would you use to describe a happy and lively atmosphere during a celebration or special occasion?
Everyone is so _ _ _ _ _ _ during the firework.
the cheerful .................................. is playing games, dancing, and sharing laughter, creating a memorable and joyful celebration. a.gather b. crowd c. tradition
The market is really .............................. with pink of peach blossom, orange of marigold and yellow of apricot blossom
In Tet Holiday, our family and grandparents usually gather to ................................................ There are a lot of food and I'm always full after eating with my big family
have a feast
Lunar New Year is coming soon so all of my friends in class are in .......................................
high spirits
What is the name of the traditional festival celebrated in many East Asian countries, marked by the gathering of family and friends, colorful lanterns, and delicious mooncakes?
Mid-Autumn Festival
During the festival, people enjoyed various .................................. activities, such as traditional dances, music, and food, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. a. gathering b. cultural c. colorful
Celebrating the .......................................... is an annual tradition for many families in some parts of Asia
Lunar New Year