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Alien Xmas

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How were the presents delivered at the end?
By alien spaceships
What did the alien's machine do to the town?
Turned off the gravity
Why did X make sure the super sleigh got fixed?
So Obie could be with his family on Christmas
Who fixed the super sleigh?
SAMTU (the robot)
What made X turn blue again?
An act of love (receiving a gift)
What did the little girl give X when he was trying to leave?
A dog
What did X feel when the child first hugged him?
What did Obie think X was when he first saw him?
A toy/doll
What does a klept do when he or she is out of options?
Play dead
Why was Obie away from his family so much?
He was repairing the super sleigh
What is Santa's idea for delivering gifts faster?
A super sleigh that flies without reindeer
Why did x go to Christmas town?
To steal
Why did the aliens laugh at X?
He is short
What color were the aliens originally?
What are the aliens called?